False Morels
You do want to be very careful in located a true Morel. Because we are not Mushroom Experts, we definately want to send you in the right direction! Below you will find a link to "Mushroomexperts.com". There you will find the necessary information to avoid poisonous mushrooms. It's worth the read, and they are worth learning about!
Click link below to learn more!
Superior Sights is not responsible for the consumption of false morels or poisonous mushrooms. We encourage everyone to educate themselves in the correct methods of identifying Morel Mushrooms by visiting the link above.
Upper Peninsula Morel Mushrooming Information
Mushroom Hunting in the U.P.!
Michigan's Upper Peninsula Spring Morel Mushroom Season.
Morel Mushroom Picking in Michigan
Mushrooming the Upper Peninsula of Michigan is a wonderful activity. The rewards are the enjoyment of the outdoors, wildlife, scenery, and finally, eating these prized Morel Mushrooms! As Webdesigners, we are on a journey to experience the Upper Peninsula in it's fullest measure. We love to pick mushrooms, and thought that this would be a very helpful way to show the beauty and fun of the U.P. Superior Sights Style.
Our favorite places lie deep in the heart of the Upper Peninsula.
Mushrooming is tedious, but the rewards are so great!Some people that we have talked to enjoy picking them for others. They don't particularly like to eat them, but the hunt is so much fun, they mushroom anyway!
The terrain in Michigan differs from place to place.
Our best mushrooming has occured in areas such as pictured below. Without giving too much away, I can say it's North West of Newberry, Michigan.
We have experienced much success around poplar groves, open terrain with lichen ground cover, and mounds on the side of small trails, two-tracks, etc...
The best time to pick morel mushrooms - in the U.P., usually hits end of May to early June. Just call the Chamber of Commerce of your choice to see if they have any morel reports! The season in Lower Michigan is earlier, and you will once again have to call a Chamber Office to find out how the picking is going. It's a tradition that has been in my husband's family for over 40 Plus Years! As a child, he had picked them in Mio, Michigan every spring!
Veteran pickers below take their time in searching for the prized mushrooms. Read to the left about learning to correctly identify a morel mushroom by visiting the experts!
When choosing a place to pick, put yourself in a location of beauty.
Put yourself in a location of beauty and remind yourself to take a break, look around, and absorb the scenery and Northern air.
Some morels are very well hidden. It takes a little while to adjust your eyes to see them. Then once you have found a couple, it's just gets easier!
The "Morel" of this story is:
Sometimes it is the experience,
the family outing, the environment, the tastey product, and the excitement of the hunt, that makes mushrooming for Morels a must experience activitiy in the great Upper Peninsula of Michigan!